Here is the site that exlains the concept very clearly:
Fig 5.5 (unfortuneatly the picture was not cooperative see above link)
Fig 5.5 (unfortuneatly the picture was not cooperative see above link)
The pull-down resistor here is the 10K resistor. When the switch is held down, the 100Ω resistor is connected directly to 5V. When the switch is released, the 100Ω resistor is connected to the 10K resistor which pulls it down to ground.
Here's how to think of it: When you press the button and connect the 100Ω resistor to 5V, the button has a very small resistance (less than 1 Ω!), so it provides a strong pull to 5V.
The 10KΩ resistor is also connecting the 100Ω resistor to ground, but since the 10KΩ resistor has 10000 times more resistance than the button, its a very weak pull to ground and can't compete. The strong 5V connection overpowers the weak ground connection and the input pin reads HIGH.
The 10KΩ resistor is also connecting the 100Ω resistor to ground, but since the 10KΩ resistor has 10000 times more resistance than the button, its a very weak pull to ground and can't compete. The strong 5V connection overpowers the weak ground connection and the input pin reads HIGH.
However, when the switch is disconnected, there is no longer a strong pull to 5V. In fact, its let go completely. But there is still weak pull to ground. Despite being a weak connection, it's better than nothing and so the resistor pulls the input pin to LOW.
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